
7 strategies that can help fight the Mental Health epidemic and Addictions crisis

1. Change language around mental health struggles: shift away from diagnosing/labelling normal human reactions to traumatic experiences. Help individuals accept and manage uncomfortable emotions rather than medicating them.
2. Shift de-personalized superficial clinical assessments to comprehensive socio-bio-psychological evaluations to help individuals understand the complexity of their problem and solutions to them.
3. Create access to immediate treatment that is going to be available to every single individual despite their social and economic status
4. Evaluate and modify training and educational programs for prospect and practicing professionals that will be geared towards fighting the Mental health epidemic and Addictions crisis
5. Regulate standards and effectiveness of social and mental health services. Look at and address the problems/gaps within the existing resources. There is enough resources, they just don’t work properly.
6. Conduct and fund ongoing research in evidence-based rather than trend-based best practices in treating mental health illness and addictions.
7. Move from Trauma-informed to Trauma transformed: help individuals make sense of their experiences and take responsibility for their actions which will inspire them living meaningful lives.

Radical Spirits is a network created to fight Mental Health epidemic and Addictions crisis in Canada.

We are united by the idea that it takes more than just medicating people when it comes to mental health issues and more than just providing safe supplies when it comes to addictions to support those who struggle.
We are determined to challenging conventional approaches to mental health problems and addictions because they create more harm rather than help those who is need of support.
We are passionate about changing the language around mental health struggles and normalizing natural human reactions that are being pathologized by those who practice within the mainstream system.
We are inspired to offer radical solutions to the Mental health epidemic and Addictions crisis by re- integrating cultural and natural ways of healing into the mainstream practices.
